To speak with the official residing president of ACM at NAU contact by email is best. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response. The current president is Jacob Penny. Email linked here.
For students and alumni, we also have a discord for making friends, helping others and posting about the fun things ACM has planed. We encourage alumni to come and answer questions that current students have on the industry and much more. Discord linked here.
We are a passionate group that enjoys all things computer science.
NAU ACM is chartered under the national organization and the College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences to: "Increase the knowledge of and greater interest in the science, design, development, construction, languages, management, and applications of modern computing."
To meet this mission, we strive to:
Studying Applied Computer Science Graduating Spring 2023
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2022
Studying Apllied Computer Science Graduating Spring 2022
Professor School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems Personal Website
Studying Computer Science and German Graduating Spring 2023 Email
Studying Applied Computer Science Graduating Spring 2023
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2021
Studying Applied Computer Science Graduating Spring 2021 Email
Studying Computer Science with Math Minor Graduating Spring 2019 Personal Website | LinkedIn | GitHub: J1411
Professor School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems Personal Website
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2021 Email
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2021
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2021 Email
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2021
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2021 Email
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2021 Email
Studying Computer Science with Math Minor Graduating Spring 2019 Personal Website | LinkedIn | GitHub: J1411
Professor School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems Personal Website
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2021
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2021 LinkedIn | GitHub: Jamp-H | Email
Studying Electrical Engineering Graduating Spring 2021 Email
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2020
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2020
Studying Biology and Computer Science (Double Major), Math Minor Graduating Spring 2021 LinkedIn | GitHub: chriskeefe | Email
Studying Computer Science with Math Minor Graduating Spring 2019 Personal Website | LinkedIn | GitHub: J1411
Professor School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems Personal Website
Studying Computer Science with Math Minor Graduating Spring 2019 LinkedIn | GitHub: tanman987
Studying Computer Science with Math Minor Graduating Spring 2019 Personal Website | LinkedIn | GitHub: J1411
Studying Electrical Engineering Graduating Spring 2021
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2019
Studying Computer Science Graduating Fall 2018 GitHub: LtThunderDan
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2019 LinkedIn | GitHub: Swhite9478
Professor School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems Personal Website
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2019 LinkedIn | GitHub: Swhite9478
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2019 LinkedIn | GitHub: cschwirian
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2018
Studying Computer Science with Math Minor Graduating Spring 2019 Personal Website | LinkedIn | GitHub: J1411
Studying Computer Science Graduating Spring 2019 GitHub: Irishes
Studying Computer Science Graduating Fall 2018 GitHub: LtThunderDan
Professor School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems Personal Website
We do our best to provide quality presentations, exercises, and resources for students, where every meeting is worthwhile and has a positive takeaway.
Meeting Times: We meet in during the school year.
Formally known as the CS Projects Room, Engineering Room 104 is the ACM Lounge. The space is used as a study area, where students can collaborate on projects and homework; get tutoring and help from Teaching Assistants, Graders, and other CS students; and network with each other.
Presently, students have limited access to the room while it is being worked on. More information will be released when the officer team is informed.